Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trusting your heart to HIM

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Lots has been going on and the Lord is growing and stretching me in great ways as I have entered another season of waiting on Him. I think its not just a seasonal thing but a life thing. We are to constantly surrender our wants and needs and wait patiently on Him. That is so hard for us girls especially! We want to fix the trial or work somehow on it, but the Lord is calling us to a place where we put the greatest treasure we have on the altar before Him and say "Im waiting on you," Knowing that what He has is best. Something Im learning is that I have entrusted my heart to Jesus, and leaving and trusting Him with it no matter what pains, difficulties or joys in life. Trusting that even though my heart may feel like its breaking at times, He still holds it and will heal even the little scratch, or the big break. My beloved Christ holds my heart and I am going to trust Him with all of it! He is so faithful and never changes with his unconditionally love towards us, what incredible truth!

Job 13:15"Though He slay me, I will hope in Him....." I read this verse in my quiet time this morning and found great conviction in it. No matter what difficulties and challenges good or bad we are going through in our life we are to TRUST IN HIM!

"He who dwells int he shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, In whom I trust!" Psalm 91:1-2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Girls Retreat- Waiting on the Lord & finding contentment where He has placed you

This past weekend I was privileged to speak at a girls retreat with a wonderful group of about 45 high school girls. I had been sick all week and was even thinking about canceling on thursday because I felt so horrible. After praying about it I came to the conclusion that it was spiritual warfare and the devil was not going to get victory even when my body felt weak. We left the church and headed straight to McDonalds for dinner, where 2 of our girls fainted, paramedics were called, one girl went home sick and of course sent our schedule out of whack. By the time we got to the camp grounds I was just praying for victory over the weekend that I felt had already been attacked, and asking and expecting God to move. We had a great weekend with sessions on intimacy with the Lord, purity (heart, mind and body), relationships with Christ being our true love and the only one who can fulfill our needs, and then ending with waiting on the Lord.

I totally lost my voice by saturday morning. I knew I was speaking on saturday afternoon and so I didn't talk for two hours and just prayed that just like the Lord provided enough manna for each day for Israel that He would give me just enough voice to get through speaking. He is so faithful and so good to me, because He did just that! I had enough voice to get through my part, and I was so grateful that the Lord blessed me with that :) The Lord is still just working on my heart in so many ways, showing me that waiting on Him is not just a one time thing but a continually surrender no matter what circumstances. Here is a short glimpse of what I taught on

1. In all seasons of life we all have trials, testing, and unknowns. Its during these times that we have a choice to either take matters in to our own hand or rest in the shadow of the almighty, waiting on the Lord and finding contentment where He has placed us.

2. The Journey of waiting is about the growth and lessons along the way. "Its not the end result that matters but the journey that brought you there."

3. I used the story of Abraham and how he waited for 25 years for a son, and it was in those years that He grew with the Lord, believe on Him, and then when he had the most awaited and precious earthly treasure the Lord tested him and showed him that the greatest treasure was the Lord. What obedience, faith and trust Abraham had in the Lord!

Thats just a portion of what we talked about. May you lean and rest on the Lord during your season of waiting on Him. Know that he has placed you here for a reason and a purpose. Be available to grow and be used where the Lord has placed you!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wait for the Lord- Dr. Charles Stanley

From August In Touch magazine by Dr. Charles Stanley- INCREDIBLE article on waiting on the Lord!!!

"Right timing is critical in a believers walk with the Lord. However trusting His timing in important decision, uncertain direction, or pressing needs is extremely difficult when everything within us cries, "Do something!" Because we want action, waiting for God seems so passive.

To wait for the Lord means to pause for further instruction while remaing in the present circumstance. It is a purposeful, expectant focus on God- a choice to be actively still and quiet in out heart, listening for His voice and watching for His intervention. The wait is not for events to work out as we want, but rather for God's will to be done. The Lord's voice often comes to us through His Word. Because this is His instruction book for our lives, quiet meditation on Scripture is essential. Sometimes when I read my Bible, a passage will jump out at me. The guidance I'm seeking is right there, almost as if it has my name written on it.

At other times, God will use changed circumstances to redirect us, or He will motivate another person to give guidance, However, always remember that any voice offering us direction must align with the Lord's will as revealed in His Word; otherwise, it is not from Him.

The first step in waiting for the Lord is submission to His choice of how and when He will act. What are you hoping God will do? Are you seeking Him or the thing you want from Him? Because He alone knows what is best for you, let go and trust His choice."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Your season for His splendor

Sometimes in our seasons of waiting we wonder if we are making a difference or making use of the wonderful season we are entrusted with. We desire so much to be making the most the present and often wonder if we are actively waiting or passively standing.

I am in a time of singleness which I have often spoke of on this blog, and this most certainly is a time of waiting. All of my best friends and family are either married, engaged or in a serious relationship. I work in student ministry and sometimes feel inadequate or feel as if the students would rather hear from others about different issues because they are in a "relationship." This has been a struggle for me whether or not God was using this time to bring Him glory through the good and the bad of waiting.

Well this year at camp I was asked to be on a panel of six ladies in a session called "Just for girls". In this forum the students would write down a question anonymously and then the panel would pass questions out to the different woman to answer. At the beginning the two leaders handed me several questions about "waiting on God" "What to do when you want a boyfriend but also want to wait on God's timing?" or "How do you deal with feeling left out cause you don't have a boyfriend?" and others along the same lines. I received questions from those wonderful woman and heard them say "you would be great to answer these." When I read those questions to myself, I almost began to cry. It was as if the Spirit of God just sat down next to me and said "Im going to use every season, and every hurt in your life to bring glory to my name IF you let me." I was overwhelmed that the sweet Lord would take my life and use it as a testimony for these girls. I couldn't believe that my story could help someone else or that they would want to hear it.

It was a privilege to be able to tell them about my season of life and let them know how the only thing that can fill a loneliness is the Lord. I was able to share about the precious and tearful times I have had with the Lord. I also was able to explain that its hard and its a real hurt but so is the REAL and amazing satisfaction and hope that only Christ can bring, IF we turn it over to HIM. I explained a little bit about waiting on the Lord and how that practically looks like and how it really FEELS like. I was reminded of the verses " Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed......(ps 25:3) Sitting there speaking to a room filled with high school girls speaking of waiting on the Lord, God reminded me that no one who waits on Him will ever be ashamed.

Be encouraged that no matter what your season if you give it ALL to the Lord, He will use it for His glory, even when you aren't aware of it. His purpose will always prevail. Remain faithful where He has placed you and watch Him use your season for His splendor!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

He is good and does good

No matter what season you are in, God is good and does good.

"You are good and do good; Teach me Your statutes."

During life moments where you think the time of answer is not drawing near remember that no matter what affliction you are facing God is a good God and He does good. Your phase of waiting is not a time where you sit around eagerly waiting for an answer but a time where you are eagerly seeking the Lord and listening for His instructions with each step you take. Sometimes seasons of waiting are long and very hard, and sometimes they are short, but regardless of the length we must hope in the Lord that His timing is the perfect.

In this particular chapter the psalmist is experiencing great affliction and difficulty yet He is proclaiming and clinging to the fact that God is good, and asking the Lord to teach him HIs statutes.

"It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes."(Ps 119:71)

When was the last time that you thanked the Lord for this season of waiting in your life? Are you learning His statues and clinging to His word for hope during this season? Ask Him to teach you His word, and cling to the fact that God is a good God who wants good things for His children.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Show me Your glory

"Then Moses said, "I pray You, show me Your glory!" Exodus 33:18

When was the last time that you asked God to show you His glory? Do you live in such a way during your season of waiting on God that you expect Him to show up in a mighty way? Our God is a great and mighty God worthy of so much praise, and He can deliver us from any affliction and can do so in such a way that only He can get the glory.

Live in such a dependency and expectancy that you trust God to show you His glory!

God has been working in my heart during this sweet season of waiting, to ask that His glory may be shown and revealed to me in a special way. Take some time today to ask the Lord to open your eyes to His glory.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

High school Camp

I haven't written here in a LONG time but I have been really busy so I am going to try and post about the last couple of weeks. :)

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of going to high school camp as a counselor, I had my sunday school girls who are so precious and are in 11th grade, along with an incredible co-coucilor. We brought hundreds of students and prayed for weeks and expected God to work in great ways. I had to be at the church at 3:45am and then we checked all of the students in and began the long trip which went good, since we didn't loose any students :). We hadn't been at the venue for very long when I was faced with some very difficult news about a girl in our high school group who was struggling with some serious things. I knew that the devil was already at work trying to discourage and test us before the week had even started. I began praying very specifically and frequently for that student and the hard issue they were facing. The week progressed after I heard story after story of huge hurts in the lives of these students, and then being able to lead them to the greatest and only Healer. I counseled with issues that I never thought I would ever encounter and subjects which the enemy was using to attack this generation. I was blown away each day at how the Lord specifically answered every single prayer and broke through the hardened walls of these students hearts and spoke to each need. One night the speaker began to speak on a subject and the tears began to flow from my eyes, it was the very subject that the girl I had been praying so hard for was dealing with. The Holy Spirit worked in such a powerful way that night and I was in such incredible awe at how mighty and sovereign our great Father is.

One of the highlights of my week was interviewing several of the men in leadership with my co-counclor about modesty. We interviewed and asked hard questions about what a modest girl looks like and acts like. This subject had come up several times earlier that week and we had given biblical council but also wanted the girls to hear from a guys perspective. It was a wonderful and eye opening experience. After several other of the leaders hearing about it we were asked to make an additional "Just for Girls" session one afternoon and share the interviews. It was such a neat experience to see how the girls eyes were opened up to how a guy works and how we can encourage our brothers in Christ.

There were many other incredible stories, moments of ministry and funny memories to share but too much for a post. Here is a picture of my group from camp.

A summary of this week= To God be the glory GREAT things HE alone has done!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Yearning for more

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning, yes, more than those who watch for the morning." Psalm 130:5-6

This passage talks about waiting on the Lord, deep in our souls- expecting Him and waiting for His to come more than people who expect and wait for the morning. We know morning will arrive but we must get through the day first. In your life you may be hoping for a "morning" to arrive but you must finish "the day" first. Expect, wait, and look for God to act, but don't miss out on the day He has for you. Through all the waiting find hope only in His word (v. 5) which never fails. May you cling to Jesus and hope in His word as you finish this waiting season "a day" and yearn for the "morning."

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trusting while waiting

Sitting in the hospital room looking at my beautiful Grandma sleeping, praying for quick recovery , healing and sweet rest. As I drove here this morning I was struck with the thought that no matter what age you are, there are seasons of waiting. When your young it might be the wait to graduate, the wait to get married, or the wait to have children. When your older its may be the waiting of grandchildren, waiting for your spouse's health to get better, or waiting and hoping for God to take away the pain and bring you home. Those are just a few seasons that were brought to mind as I rode down the highway this morning.

The wonderful thing about seasons of waiting is its a season of growth and learning dependency and trust in the Lord. Whether you desire healing or a husband, both things are in the Lord's hadsg and not ours. Our job is to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and not to relay on our common sense but in everything give credit to God and He will direct our paths (Provers 3:5-6).

Another thing we are instructed to do is cling to God's word for answers, and lean on Him for our protection. Proverbs 30:5 says "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in HIm." In your season of waiting are you putting ALL your trust in the Lord?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Highways, Hymns and Hospitals

My Grandma was admitted to the hospital on wednesday night and had an emergency surgery to remove her colon and work on some other things. She didn't wake up from the surgery till saturday, so when we were with her their was no response. My mom was once in a coma and said that even though they are not awake they can hear you and its a comfort to hear your voice. So I went this week, pulled up a chair to her bed, held her hand and sang to her. At first I sang all the hymns I could think of and then some more praise and worship songs. Then I would read scripture and just pray over her. It was really hard for me because there is no response but it was really good for me to, because I had a sweet time with the Lord thanking Him for the hope we have in HIm. While reading one scripture verse I just started crying at the thought of eternity, death and the realization that we never know when that is and how important it is to be prepared. Its important to live every day in light of eternity. It has been a sweet journey to be with my wonderful Grandma.

I am exhausted due to all of the driving (takes me at least 1 hour each way) but holding on to hope and praying for quick recovery. If you haven't meditated on the thought of eternity I want to ask that you would take a moment and just think and ask the Lord to help you live your life in light of eternity, sharing the story of eternal life (the gospel of Jesus Christ) with others.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Heart Vulnerability

This post is difficult to write, not because of the words but because it is the most vulnerable post I have ever written, making it very hard for me. I believe as a follower of Jesus Christ I am called to be genuine and share what Christ is doing in my life and the seasons and molding He is doing in my hearts. That is why I have decided to write this.

As one of my friends reminded me the other day, there are many seasons in life, they are called seasons cause they change. The season of life I am is wedding season. Its seems like everyone is either getting married, married, engaged or about to be any day. For years I have said that I LOVE being single, and I really do enjoy this season of life, but that doesn't mean that I can't hope, pray and long for the marriage season of life. As the Lord showed me the other day, I can be content in Him, yet still feel a longing for a husband. The Lord has had to soften my heart to show me that its not wrong to feel real hurts and feelings. Sometimes it takes moments like that where our hardened shell is broken & humbled so that God can speak to our wounds.

The other night, after returning from a ministry meeting I arrived home and no one was there. I sat down and it hit me that my little brother was on his honeymoon, my other brother hanging out with his wife, my other brother hanging out with his serious girlfriend, and my parents were off together, just to name a few of my close friends. I thought, well I guess I will take this loneliness and just take the quiet evening to pray and read scripture. As I sat by the lake tears began to pour out from the deepest part of my heart, displaying something I didn't know existed. I was longing and desiring a companion like I have never before. I was pouring out my prayers before the Lord, feeling broken before Him, asking Him to be that in my life. When I was reminded its not unbiblical to desire a husband. In fact God created marriage and its a very biblical thing to desire and pray for. After being out there for a while my parents got home, as I was journaling I heard someone come up. It was my precious Papa, he was coming to sit and talk with me and asked if he could take me out on a boat ride. So we went on a boat ride on our lake and he let me talk, cry and was so compassionate and kind. Then he talked and prayed with me. My dad specifically prayed for my future husband and me in an incredible way. This was such a precious memorable time for me, as the man in my life poured into my heart and encouraged me in the Lord. I am so thankful for such a godly Father. I walked away from that time humbled beyond belief, because I was reminded of my prideful attitude of "I don't need a guy or want one" and how the Lord had shown me that in my vulnerability with Him, that the Lord has me in this season of growing and growing hurts sometimes. It was a healthy and wonderful time feeling something real and working through it with the Lord.

I wrote this not to make me sound like a girl who is dying to get married, because that is not what I am, I am very content on waiting on the Lord; But to encourage all of the other single ladies out there that feel the same way I do sometimes and feel like it is an ungodly way to feel. Sometimes our christianity makes it out like if you aren't completely satisfied, content, and not longing for a husband than you are not walking close with the Lord. I DO NOT believe this is true at all, in fact I think its a healthy stage of life to work through these hurts with the Lord, it doesn't make them totally go away but you grow in great ways through them. You can have an intimate walk with Jesus, being content in singleness yet desire and hope for marriage. That is completely normal and healthy. Just wanted to encourage some incredible single ladies I know that are in a season of waiting on the Lord. Keep seeking HIm, being vulnerable enough so God can soften your heart and mold & make you more like His Son.

Psalm 10:17
LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble;
You will prepare their heart;
You will cause Your ear to hear,

Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

Psalm 33:20
We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help
and our shield.

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, life has been just CRAZY. My baby brother Tim just got married on Saturday so needless to say we have been in wedding mode for quite a few weeks. We had several precious family drive all the way from Wisconsin to come celebrate with us, so that was a special treat for them to stay with us. On top of family and friends coming in town, my AMAZING mom and I (and some help from our family) cooked all of the food for the reception( 350 people) and for the rehearsal dinner (50 people) on top of all the normal stuff. We had a blast at the wedding and are BEYOND excited about their union together in marriage. God truly wrote their love story, and it is so encouraging to see Him leading and blessing them along the way. Rachel is a huge treasure to our family and I am so grateful for a sister-in-law who loves the Lord, her family, and TIM :)She will be a great help mate to him as they journey through this life together.

The ceremony was beautiful and I was not planning on crying, but when Rachel walked down the aisle and Tim began to cry I lost it. What a precious time it was as they exchanged vows before their dear family and friends, together taking the covenant of marriage. A sweet song called "home" was sung, with words talking about no matter where you go, where you are is home.

The reception turned out pretty good as well, with the highlight being Tim singing his original song that he wrote for her. It was a complete surprise to her, and she cried as he played his guitar and sang of their love. Some of the words are this " 1,2 all that we need is just me and you, everything will be alright, be just fine forever, every day will talk and we'll pray just the two of us, nothing but trust, what God has formed, let no one come between you and me..................."We have come as two today, and we will leave as one." It was PRECIOUS! Then they drove off to have a honey moon on the cruise.

After the wedding a bunch of my family and friends came to party at our house. All of us younger people :) took a trip to star-bucks, then remembered the next day was Mother's day and made a trip to wal-mart and publix to get our gifts. We had a lot of fun in the car dancing and just hanging out. Then when we got home we ate (again) and had a dance party out side by the lake. We had a lot of fun but everyone didn't' leave till 2am so it was a long day for all of us.
It was a huge blessing to have all our dear friends and family in town :)

Mother's day was wonderful but we weren't recovered from the wedding and still had guests in town so it was not a normal celebration. But I certainly do have the BEST mom in the whole world. She is truly my hero and friend. She not only teaches me about the Lord, but she leads with her example in every area, whether its being a godly supportive wife, being domestic and taking care of your family, mothering or mentoring she is just amazing! I am truly a blessed girl.

Overall it was a wonderful weekend with great memories, however I am still exhausted, and not at all recovered.

Sorry about the random thoughts that are not very organized but at least its written. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Loving on the Least of these

“Beep Beep” My alarm went off after what seemed like a very short nap. Rubbing my eyes, feeling exhaustion sweep through my body, I turned off my alarm and opened the curtains. This was our last day in the city located in the mountains of Ecuador which had been our home the last few days. The sky was the clearest it has been all week and the sun already was shimmering across the lovely vivacious pink flowers right outside my window. After getting dressed, packing up and getting our nutrients for the day we all gathered in what we called the “upper room”. It was in this room that earlier this week the team practiced humility, servant hood and leadership as we washed each other’s feet and through tears prayed over each other.

This however a dear couple who had become so close to all of our hearts was sharing their story. The missionaries Daniel and Anna had a very special story of hardship, waiting on the Lord, and their life’s journey of finding treasure in the Lord and not in earthly things. “How long have you lived” Daniel asked a lovely teenage girl in the front row, “eighteen years” she replied. He then responded with the question “what have you done in your eighteen years?” and began an incredible challenge on living life with a purpose and passion of Christ; He reminded the captivated audience “each generation is responsible to bring the gospel to their generation.” In closing he asked the adult leaders to come forward, and asked the students who felt the tug on their hearts from the Holy Spirit to surrender their life for the purpose God had for them, to come forward and grab a leader. Shortly after this request, two of my beautiful young ladies I was privilege to have in my group came and grabbed my hand. After a long talk, tears, prayers and challenges, they both had told me that God was working in their hearts to surrender their lives to missions. What a huge moment. In their hearts they had heard the call of God and surrendered to, asking for voices of encouragement, wisdom and accountability for the task ahead. God has something special for this lovely ladies and it was a privilege to see the beginning of a great work in their precious hearts. This was a start of a beautiful day, seeing that it was only 10:00 AM at this point.

After the team photo, the group was split into 3 buses- orphanage, sight seeing and nursing home. I had no idea what was in store as we prepared to be the hands and feet of Jesus and love on the least of these. Heading to the nursery home I didn’t know what to expect but was excited to see what the Lord has in store. We parked and then walked a couple of blocks till we arrived at the location. Walking up the concrete stairs, the air was filled with the scent of laundry and cooking. We were greeted by several little old ladies, giving us a smile and a kiss. As I walked from the kitchen I arrived into a much larger room, where a woman with dark skin as leather, with little to no teeth sat hovered over a bowl cutting and eating bits of apple. I attempted to converse with her, but it seemed as if she was unresponsive. To the left other sat a hunched old woman, with gray hair, little and saddened eyes, who sat very still. I go on my knees beside her, gave a quick hug and once again tried to speak with my broken Spanish. She replied and I beckoned one of our students who spoke Spanish to come and help me understand what she was saying. Now, I was holding her hand smiling, nodding as if I could understand and grateful for the precious young man who was helping me. She first asked why we were here and then began to scold both of us for not wearing sweaters, just like a sweet grandmother. She kept caressing my face and hair, squeezing my hands and telling me that I was beautiful. She then asked us to play some music and sing I had to prepare and the program started, but dear Abraham stayed by her side the whole time, showing how much he truly cared.

During the time where the Pastor was addressing all of the gray haired, the manger of the home pulled two of the girls aside and asked them to follow her somewhere, so they grabbed ma and a translator and we followed her up a high flight of stairs. As we entered this small room immediately our nostrils were filled with a foul stench, as we saw this crazed elderly woman on a bed, covered with tissue of some sort, with a nametag on the wall above her. The kind manger explained that she is a mean bitter old woman, who cannot speak anything understandable. She was lost in her own world- a small room where she did everything and never left. I then asked her if she would like us to sing a song, as she gave the go ahead we began singings’; “Lead me to the cross, where your love poured out, bring me to my knees Lord I lay me down…” As we ended a huge smile hung upon her face as we once again individually wrapped our arms around her, giving a warm hug. This was a raw experience where I was overwhelmed with joy as I watched our students love the least of these.

After we joined the group they began to serve beverages and a cake we brought with us. With huge smiles a couple of the students asked for permission to bring that special treat to the bitter old woman in the room up stairs. It was precious to see them sharing Christ’s love by serving the physical substance but sharing with them about the only thing that can fulfill your life.

My eyes once again caught the old woman I had talked with before. I saw Abraham feeding her the special cake and saw that his eyes revealed a deep sorrow in his heart for her. Once again I got on my knees and held her hand. Then helped finish off feeding her the cake. She asked if I was married, and told me again how much she loved my hands and thought they were so soft ☺. The next sentence I couldn’t get, Abraham who was interpreting the conversation, had tears rolling down his cheeks. After taking several moments he told me that she had told him that she had no one. All her family had died, no one ever visits her and that she was all alone. She told him that we were a miracle of God, and she didn’t want us to leave. Her old, distant and sorrowful eyes were filled with tears as she tried to understand why we couldn’t come back and see her. She was saddened by the thought of being alone again. We hugged and kissed her, Abraham still shedding tears, mine flowing as well. As I asked to pray for her, through tears I asked the Lord Jesus to watch over my new friend one more time before we walked away. My heart was crushed by her loneliness, sadness and hopeless. We had shared Christ and told her that if she knew Jesus that one day she would see us in heaven. God burdened my heart for all of the lonely hearts in this world that live life with no hope. They need the only Hope and satisfaction, which is salvation in Jesus Christ. That was one of the many stories from the trip, which compel me not to keep the gospel to myself but to share the good news to others. May the Lord open our eyes to see the needs of people around us, and give us boldness and compassion to share HIM with them

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ecuador part 2

“Beep Beep” My alarm went off after what seemed like a very short nap. Rubbing my eyes, feeling exhaustion sweep through my body, I turned off my alarm and opened the curtains. This was our last day in the city located in the mountains of Ecuador which had been our home the last few days. The sky was the clearest it has been all week and the sun already was shimmering across the lovely vivacious pink flowers right outside my window. After getting dressed, packing up and getting our nutrients for the day we all gathered in what we called the “upper room”. It was in this room that earlier this week the team practiced humility, servant hood and leadership as we washed each other’s feet and through tears prayed over each other.

This however a dear couple who had become so close to all of our hearts was sharing their story. The missionaries Daniel and Anna had a very special story of hardship, waiting on the Lord, and their life’s journey of finding treasure in the Lord and not in earthly things. “How long have you lived” Daniel asked a lovely teenage girl in the front row, “eighteen years” she replied. He then responded with the question “what have you done in your eighteen years?” and began an incredible challenge on living life with a purpose and passion of Christ; He reminded the captivated audience “each generation is responsible to bring the gospel to their generation.” In closing he asked the adult leaders to come forward, and asked the students who felt the tug on their hearts from the Holy Spirit to surrender their life for the purpose God had for them, to come forward and grab a leader. Shortly after this request, two of my beautiful young ladies I was privilege to have in my group came and grabbed my hand. After a long talk, tears, prayers and challenges, they both had told me that God was working in their hearts to surrender their lives to missions. What a huge moment. In their hearts they had heard the call of God and surrendered to, asking for voices of encouragement, wisdom and accountability for the task ahead. God has something special for this lovely ladies and it was a privilege to see the beginning of a great work in their precious hearts. This was a start of a beautiful day, seeing that it was only 10:00 AM at this point.

Ecuador part 1

My heart was overwhelmed with awe, as I opened my eyes and caught a glimpse of the majestic mountains. The sky foggy with a light mist coming down upon the tropical foliage that immersed the outside gardens was sweetness to my soul. The sound of a horse clambering, birds singing, and insects making a distinct noise was the first sounds that filled my heart. I was finally in Ecuador. I had been planning, preparing and praying for this time for months, and now it had finally arrived.

After a breakfast of eggs, coffee, and fresh juice from tree tomatoes as they call it, we were off. The area we had come to was filled with pure indigenous people. Our team had traveled thousands of miles to tell them the greatest story of hope, and the only Hope anyone could have. Buses piled, we headed to a local school. As we departed from the vehicle I began to notice all of the dark skinned, dark hair, and big beautiful eyes that surrounded me. These children had chubby cheeks and inviting smiles, immediately my heart melted. After exchanging some greetings and light conversation through my broken Spanish, I opted for the international language- a big smile and a hug. The team soon set up and the school children swarmed the benches to watch the curiously different white people. Our students from America performed many different dramas, songs, magic tricks and other programs, but the best part was yet to come. In the quietness of my heart I began to lift up a prayer to the only God, the God who hears and has my heart. Praying for the souls of these precious children, that they would come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. A message was spoke and an opportunity was given for the children to respond and hear more of what these foreign people had come to share. Our team split up and children poured out of the benches, like spilled milk running anxiously to circle around our teens.

As I scanned the horizon I saw several groups with at least one of our students, a translator, and many children huddled around, zoomed in to the greatest story every told. Their hearts were open, receptive and hungry to hear of the one true God who sent His sinless son to die in our place, so that we may have eternal life in Him. I was amazed at the child like faith and how even the simplest things, like the gospel, adults seem to overanalyze where children have such a true, genuine and simple faith. My heart swelled, as I once again was reminder of My Savior who made the wondrous mountains in the distances and who made each and every heart there. He is the Creator of the Universe, yet such a personal Savior. That was the beginning of the first of many days where my life was lifted, swelled and humbled with the goodness of a story that happened thousand of years ago that still has the only hope and only salvation anyone could have.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy but great days at home

Monday we got in late, around 4ish and then I hit the ground running. I cleaned my house then left for an amazing time at bible study. Its been the best group of girls I have ever been with in studying God's word and I cherish the time together, taking God's treasures and applying them to our lives. Again I left so challenged and convicted.

Tuesday was a great day babysitting, cleaning a house and then having dinner with my brothers and catching up on my coupons and grocery lists. Wednesday I spent grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. So needless to say I was SO ready to fall into my bunk and go to sleep Wednesday night when we left for the last weekend of Winter Jam. Its has been an incredible journey on Winter Jam this year. God is working in such great ways and I count it a blessing and privilege to be able to watch Spirit at work in such a great way. What an honor to be a part of the Winter Jam team, and work for such incredible godly servants of the Lord, the Nolans. I am grateful for the blessings of the Lord and excited to see what the weekend holds!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday Treasures

Tuesday was an incredible day filled with sweet surprise and fun :) My dear friend Korie who is currently attending Liberty University, was in town for spring break and I was so excited to be able to squeeze in a special time to hang out with her. It was just her birthday as well so we had a sweet time to celebrate. We started off with breakfast at Panera where we ran into to an old school buddy and her sweet mother. Then we went to our old school, because I went to eat lunch with my sunday school students and bring them cookies and she went to visit as well. When we arrived we were greeted with hugs from precious teachers who poured so much into our lives, asking about what we are doing now. I enjoyed a brief time with my girls, and we went on a hunt to find my old careers/personal finance, speech and debate teacher. When we found her she asked if we would be her guest speakers in her careers class, and talked with us about what she would like for us to speak on. It was a great opportunity, and I was so excited about it. We were also asked to read to some precious kindergartens about transportation, they all were so sweet and gave us big hugs, and wanted their picture with us before we left. So overall it was a great day, and filled with unexpected opportunities. After leaving school, we headed to my house and enjoyed the beautiful weather by my lake and enjoyed conversations about our future, goals, dreams and what the Lord is doing in our lives. Then we made delicious sweet potato bread that Mrs. Tammy shared with us, we loved it! Thank you Mrs. Tammy!

So then to end our awesome day, we road around in her dads 1969 muscle car and drove to starbucks, playing great music and enjoying the beautiful weather! What an incredible day! Thank you Korie for sweet fellowship that refreshed my heart!

enjoy pictures! :)

Bible Study blessings

After a VERY late arrival, or maybe I should say early in the morning back at home on monday, I took a long shower in my own shower and headed to work. I am so blessed every monday by an opportunity to dive in and navigate through scripture with a great group of godly ladies. We have an incredible leader who is great at leading the discussion and bringing light to special truths that we miss. Most of the time, by the the time bible study starts I am one exhausted girl. But it is so wonderful how the Lord refreshes my heart through His living water which never runs dry. Each time I don't really feel like going but do anyways the Lord is so faithful to challenge and give me a special personalized truth that day.

Monday as I was leaving one of the sweet girls pulled me aside and said that the Lord had put me on her heart for the last couple of weeks and she was praying for me. I have had a couple of crazy weeks and I feel like there has been a lot on my heart as well, so that is an answer to prayer. That blessed my heart more than anything anyone could tell me. How sweet is our Lord Jesus Christ that He not only answers prayers, but will place a concern on the body of Christ to pray for each other. That sweet sister was such an encouragement, and I spent the whole way home praying out loud thanking God for His many blessings, and confessing my many sins before His throne, and lifting up sweet friends. What a treasured gift prayer is, I cherish that I have such precious friends. I just was reminded of the scripture that when we remain faithless, He remains faithful! When I am exhausted and weary He strengthens my heart and refuels my life by the living word and by godly friends.

"if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself." 2 Timothy 2:13

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Man of my dreams- My Love

Tonight I was on the bus playing my worship music on my laptop, and took out my journal and began to write out some things that are going on in my heart. The Lord is growing and challenging me in great ways and I ended up writing this:

My Love is pursuing my heart in every way. He wrote me the greatest love story ever written, and gave it to me, and every single time I read it I am reminded what a privilege that He is mine ☺ I can talk to Him and know that He truly is listening to everything I say and no matter what it is He loves me unconditionally through it. I know that He is always there, I don’t have to have reception to call Him, I don’t have to leave a voicemail or a text message, He ALWAYS answers. He hears me and understands me and my heart more than anyone. He paints me beautiful pictures in the sky, that no one could ever replicate, gives me beautiful sunsets that warm my heart. He sends the most gorgeous flowers, that no one could arrange like He does. He tells me that I am beautiful every day, that I am unique to Him, and there is no one on earth like me. Even without make-up, or even after a really bad day He thinks I am gorgeous and loves me no matter what. He is SO gorgeous to me, perfect in every single way, and He desires and pursues me and my heart, causing me to want to know Him even more and more. Because the more I find out about Him, the more I love Him. He has the best reputation, and I keep hearing more and more stories of who He is and what He does that are incredible!
He loves hearing my heart, my cries, my silly worries, and my dreams that are huge humanly speaking,. He has and always will be the leader in our relationship, He encourages me to know Him more, and that He will continue to lead and guide me. He gets along with my family, and loves them even more that I do. He has given me everything, and He owns everything, I never have a need that He doesn’t provide. I have the best security in Him for my future, no matter what the economy does, I know He will provide. He sings to me through the sound of nature and He LOVES hearing me sing love songs to Him, and even if I mess up a note He tells me that I sound beautiful. What more could I ever ask for? Except this is the one guy that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER, and will let Him continue to pursue me, telling Him all my heart holds.

My heart is the Lords and HE is worth giving my WHOLE heart too! I hope Jesus Christ has your heart too, He can change your life.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Obedience in ALL things

" I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws." Genesis 26:5

Lately the Lord has been growing, convicting and challenging me on obedience even in the smallest areas of life. What an incredible example in scripture is Abraham, who not only obeyed God's voice, but kept HIS charge, the Lords commandments, His statues and His laws. I think that pretty much sums up all areas in life! Isaac was promised this blessing (the above verse) because his father Abraham had obeyed the Lord. WOW! I would love for my life to reflect Christ so much that it can be said that I obeyed the Lords voice, commandments, and word. What a challenge as believers to be in God's word listening for His voice so that we can walk in obedience. If you are not in God's word and in constant communication with Him, then you won't be able to hear His commands to lead you. I pray that the Lord will continue to grow us all, that we may seek His guidance in ALL areas of life and walk in obedience.

"Lord help us to live a life of faith like Abraham, to trust in the covenant keeping God in all circumstances, desiring Your will and walking in obedience to what You have commanded us. Thank You for showing us the example in Abraham Amen."

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My baby brother

Today I was privileged to have my dear brother Tim and his amazing fiancee Rachel, plus my cousin and a friend come out to the show in Macon, Georgia. He loved it and the Nolan's made it a night to remember, as he was brought on stage for an exchange for a penny for $50 and he was SO BLESSED by that. I am so blessed with a wonderful brother I love dearly who is kind and comes out to support me. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Nolan for making it so special!

My brother Tim gets married in less than 2 months now. I can't believe that we are old enough already! Feels like just yesterday we were playing dress up and catching craw dads in the creek. Wow! How time flies! I count it a huge gift everyday to have such an incredible family filled with AMAZING boys! That is why I will never lower my standards, cause I know godly, masculine, hard working, attractive guys exist because I was raised with 3 of them!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In Touch Ministries

These past Wednesday I was privilege with the opportunity to go down to In Touch ministries, where my mom works, to get a tour and eat lunch with her. It was amazing to hear all about the ministry, see the studios and meet all of my moms precious co-workers. I told my mom after I left that I have never met so many people in one place that radiate the fragrant of Christ and show the joy of the Lord. Each person I met had such a grateful attitude and said they felt so blessed to be working at such a God blessed ministry; and of course my mom loves every moment of her job and daily thanks the Lord for the opportunity. My Papa and I enjoyed putting faces with names, and seeing the beautiful facility, and now know that its just as wonderful as mama described.

After eating lunch, getting the tour and meeting people Papa and I headed out to Sams club. We did some quick shopping, ate an ice cream sundae and headed home to get some things done. After today I was just reminded again of how the Lord has blessed and shown such divine favor over my family, He truly has been our provider during these difficult seasons of life and He is ever faithful.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sweet friends

Tonight in Roanoke Virginia some of my sweet friends came to see me for about an hour then drove back to school ( over an hours drive) to get back to thier responsibilities there. I was so blessed by such a wonderful friends. My dear friend Korie and I have been great friends since 8th grade, we have shared such sweet memories, dreams, desires and trips together. Its awesome to see that our friendship continues to grow even 8 hours away, she is a true friend I will have for life. I am so blessed to have such incredible friends that encourage me in my walk, have fun & laugh with me, and someone I can share whats going on in my heart with. I am so thankful for you Korie! Thanks for driving all the way to see me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Impactor or Extractor

Are you an impactor or an Extractor? My mom always use to ask us if what we said was building someone up or tearing them down? Is my actions, my daily talk, complaining or attitude extracting from peoples joy or is it impacting them to love Christ more. I pray that I will be a vessel of nourishment to encourage and compel people to seek Christ and know Him more intimately.

Have you ever been around someone who complained so much, or was so negative that when you left you felt guilty because you were around such negativity? Or have you ever been around someone that ever time you get done talking with them you desire to have the walk with Christ and the sweet attitude they have. I am blessed to be around such incredible people who are genuine and even in the midst of difficult situations they always exemplify Christ and remain humble obedient servants of HIm. Thats the people I desire to be around, because I walk away in a prayerful mind, challenged to be in sweet communion of Christ, and convicted of my own selfishness.
Let us always be mindful of this and try not to extract but IMPACT, so when people leave our presence they want to love Jesus more and walk in the HOPE of the gospel.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).

Friday, February 12, 2010

An appointed time

I am doing a precept study on Abraham with a precious group of ladies; and recently I was blessed with an incredible truth from scripture, learning about how God has a time for everything. In Genesis Abraham desired a son and a heritage with him, and the Lord told him that HE would bless Abraham with an descendant. Abraham kept wondering when this time would come, but the waiting continued( for 25 years). The Lord waited until Abraham and Sara were beyond the age that they physically could have children ( " Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing." Gen. 18:11), therefore resulting in a completely supernatural God thing when they became pregnant. Sometimes the Lord brings us to a point where it is physically, financially or mentally impossible that way it could ONLY be a total God thing, therefore the Lord receiving all the glory, honor and fame as result. Are we willing to lay down our desires and our time lines for His? therefore resulting in us getting no credit but Christ getting ALL of the glory?

The Lord had an appointed time for Abraham and Sarah. The Lord told them " I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, , Sarah your wife shall have a son.".......Gen 18:10 Then later on in that chapter (verse 14) the Lord says "Is there anything to hard for the LORD? at the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." WOW! Whatever your circumstance may be in waiting on the Lord, Is there anything to hard for the LORD? God has a specific "appointed time" for you and for your situation. Let us trust in the covenant keeping God of Abraham and rest in the certainty that nothing is to hard for HIm and that HE alone has an "appointed time" for you an me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Learning while waiting

Lately the Lord has been teaching me so much in the book of Genesis about what patiently on the Lord for His timing in life looks like. When I began this blog I entitled it "While I am waiting" because its a journey of me waiting on the Lord in life regarding all things. I believe everyone has a season of waiting on God, it may be with a spouse, waiting for a child, financial relief, trials,career direction, sickness or other concerns or life changing moments.

In Genesis I was reminded of how Abraham was given a promise from the Lord regarding his descendants and blessings through him and his son ( Genesis 12). The Lord told him that one day he would have a son, but he had to wait on the Lord and grow in HIm through the journey. God remained faithful and true to Abraham and the promise God made with him, and then 25 years later Isaac was born. But during the time of waiting for the promise to be fulfilled( 25 long years) he and his wife got weary, so they decided to help God out and Sarah gave Abraham her maid servant, and they had a child together. After that things got more complicated and made life more difficult. What a HUGE reminder for us that if we take matters into our own hand, the waiting process is even more complicated and difficult. Let us not get weary in the waiting but remain faithful and obedient to what God has called us to do, depending on HIM alone to come through. He doesn't need us for His will to happen. I was so encouraged by this truth that the Lord has a plan for me and the only thing I have to do is remain faithful in TRULY waiting on the Lord, not "helping Him out" along the way, but trusting in the journey He has for me now, and enjoy each moment on my way to the promise land.

Hope that awesome truth from God's word encouraged you as well!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Daddy date

This week amongst being home for a couple of days before heading on the road again, I had time to do one of my favorite things. On tuesday I went on a "daddy date" with my precious Papa to Pappadeaxs and then to the iridologist. I love that you are never to old to have these special memories that I will always cherish with my dad. My mom and dad have always made a huge effort and have been very purposeful in investing in each one of us kids one on one. I used to go on daddy dates when I was little and I got to pick what we did, my dad would take me to eat, or to get my nails done, or shop, watch a play, or whatever else I would choose. I always look forward to these times, and I am glad that I am never to old to have them.

Oe tuesday my dad asked me "So is there anything you want to ask me or talk about" and I said "no not really", he said "isn't it nice that we have such good communication, that we don't have to make a formal time to talk we just catch up all of the time." That is very true, on sunday when I got home from campus church I talked with my Papa by the fire for almost 2 hours and then the following night I had a sweet conversation with him as well. I am the most blessed girl to have such a great father. He is truly the best man I know! I think that is why I am willing to wait until the Lord brings someone that is the incredible man like my Father into my life to be my husband, it will be SO worth the wait.

Parents- what memories you are making now with your children that they will never forgot. Take the time to go on dates and enjoy each of your children by themselves to have a "special date" with just you! Trust me it will be a forever cherished memory!