Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Man of my dreams- My Love

Tonight I was on the bus playing my worship music on my laptop, and took out my journal and began to write out some things that are going on in my heart. The Lord is growing and challenging me in great ways and I ended up writing this:

My Love is pursuing my heart in every way. He wrote me the greatest love story ever written, and gave it to me, and every single time I read it I am reminded what a privilege that He is mine ☺ I can talk to Him and know that He truly is listening to everything I say and no matter what it is He loves me unconditionally through it. I know that He is always there, I don’t have to have reception to call Him, I don’t have to leave a voicemail or a text message, He ALWAYS answers. He hears me and understands me and my heart more than anyone. He paints me beautiful pictures in the sky, that no one could ever replicate, gives me beautiful sunsets that warm my heart. He sends the most gorgeous flowers, that no one could arrange like He does. He tells me that I am beautiful every day, that I am unique to Him, and there is no one on earth like me. Even without make-up, or even after a really bad day He thinks I am gorgeous and loves me no matter what. He is SO gorgeous to me, perfect in every single way, and He desires and pursues me and my heart, causing me to want to know Him even more and more. Because the more I find out about Him, the more I love Him. He has the best reputation, and I keep hearing more and more stories of who He is and what He does that are incredible!
He loves hearing my heart, my cries, my silly worries, and my dreams that are huge humanly speaking,. He has and always will be the leader in our relationship, He encourages me to know Him more, and that He will continue to lead and guide me. He gets along with my family, and loves them even more that I do. He has given me everything, and He owns everything, I never have a need that He doesn’t provide. I have the best security in Him for my future, no matter what the economy does, I know He will provide. He sings to me through the sound of nature and He LOVES hearing me sing love songs to Him, and even if I mess up a note He tells me that I sound beautiful. What more could I ever ask for? Except this is the one guy that beyond a shadow of a doubt, I WANT TO GET TO KNOW BETTER, and will let Him continue to pursue me, telling Him all my heart holds.

My heart is the Lords and HE is worth giving my WHOLE heart too! I hope Jesus Christ has your heart too, He can change your life.


  1. WOW, what a vivid picture expressing some of the inner workings into the heart of a girl. As a man it is also a convicting reminder of the standard in which God has called us to live. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your welcome! Thanks for reading it, its encouraging to know someone read it.

  3. I just love this! I would like to pass it on to others who are experiencing God as Husband.

    I agree with what "your love" is telling you...
    you are beautiful inside and out and gorgeous!
