Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ecuador part 2

“Beep Beep” My alarm went off after what seemed like a very short nap. Rubbing my eyes, feeling exhaustion sweep through my body, I turned off my alarm and opened the curtains. This was our last day in the city located in the mountains of Ecuador which had been our home the last few days. The sky was the clearest it has been all week and the sun already was shimmering across the lovely vivacious pink flowers right outside my window. After getting dressed, packing up and getting our nutrients for the day we all gathered in what we called the “upper room”. It was in this room that earlier this week the team practiced humility, servant hood and leadership as we washed each other’s feet and through tears prayed over each other.

This however a dear couple who had become so close to all of our hearts was sharing their story. The missionaries Daniel and Anna had a very special story of hardship, waiting on the Lord, and their life’s journey of finding treasure in the Lord and not in earthly things. “How long have you lived” Daniel asked a lovely teenage girl in the front row, “eighteen years” she replied. He then responded with the question “what have you done in your eighteen years?” and began an incredible challenge on living life with a purpose and passion of Christ; He reminded the captivated audience “each generation is responsible to bring the gospel to their generation.” In closing he asked the adult leaders to come forward, and asked the students who felt the tug on their hearts from the Holy Spirit to surrender their life for the purpose God had for them, to come forward and grab a leader. Shortly after this request, two of my beautiful young ladies I was privilege to have in my group came and grabbed my hand. After a long talk, tears, prayers and challenges, they both had told me that God was working in their hearts to surrender their lives to missions. What a huge moment. In their hearts they had heard the call of God and surrendered to, asking for voices of encouragement, wisdom and accountability for the task ahead. God has something special for this lovely ladies and it was a privilege to see the beginning of a great work in their precious hearts. This was a start of a beautiful day, seeing that it was only 10:00 AM at this point.

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