Friday, May 21, 2010

Heart Vulnerability

This post is difficult to write, not because of the words but because it is the most vulnerable post I have ever written, making it very hard for me. I believe as a follower of Jesus Christ I am called to be genuine and share what Christ is doing in my life and the seasons and molding He is doing in my hearts. That is why I have decided to write this.

As one of my friends reminded me the other day, there are many seasons in life, they are called seasons cause they change. The season of life I am is wedding season. Its seems like everyone is either getting married, married, engaged or about to be any day. For years I have said that I LOVE being single, and I really do enjoy this season of life, but that doesn't mean that I can't hope, pray and long for the marriage season of life. As the Lord showed me the other day, I can be content in Him, yet still feel a longing for a husband. The Lord has had to soften my heart to show me that its not wrong to feel real hurts and feelings. Sometimes it takes moments like that where our hardened shell is broken & humbled so that God can speak to our wounds.

The other night, after returning from a ministry meeting I arrived home and no one was there. I sat down and it hit me that my little brother was on his honeymoon, my other brother hanging out with his wife, my other brother hanging out with his serious girlfriend, and my parents were off together, just to name a few of my close friends. I thought, well I guess I will take this loneliness and just take the quiet evening to pray and read scripture. As I sat by the lake tears began to pour out from the deepest part of my heart, displaying something I didn't know existed. I was longing and desiring a companion like I have never before. I was pouring out my prayers before the Lord, feeling broken before Him, asking Him to be that in my life. When I was reminded its not unbiblical to desire a husband. In fact God created marriage and its a very biblical thing to desire and pray for. After being out there for a while my parents got home, as I was journaling I heard someone come up. It was my precious Papa, he was coming to sit and talk with me and asked if he could take me out on a boat ride. So we went on a boat ride on our lake and he let me talk, cry and was so compassionate and kind. Then he talked and prayed with me. My dad specifically prayed for my future husband and me in an incredible way. This was such a precious memorable time for me, as the man in my life poured into my heart and encouraged me in the Lord. I am so thankful for such a godly Father. I walked away from that time humbled beyond belief, because I was reminded of my prideful attitude of "I don't need a guy or want one" and how the Lord had shown me that in my vulnerability with Him, that the Lord has me in this season of growing and growing hurts sometimes. It was a healthy and wonderful time feeling something real and working through it with the Lord.

I wrote this not to make me sound like a girl who is dying to get married, because that is not what I am, I am very content on waiting on the Lord; But to encourage all of the other single ladies out there that feel the same way I do sometimes and feel like it is an ungodly way to feel. Sometimes our christianity makes it out like if you aren't completely satisfied, content, and not longing for a husband than you are not walking close with the Lord. I DO NOT believe this is true at all, in fact I think its a healthy stage of life to work through these hurts with the Lord, it doesn't make them totally go away but you grow in great ways through them. You can have an intimate walk with Jesus, being content in singleness yet desire and hope for marriage. That is completely normal and healthy. Just wanted to encourage some incredible single ladies I know that are in a season of waiting on the Lord. Keep seeking HIm, being vulnerable enough so God can soften your heart and mold & make you more like His Son.

Psalm 10:17
LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble;
You will prepare their heart;
You will cause Your ear to hear,

Psalm 5:3
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

Psalm 33:20
We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help
and our shield.

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.


  1. Oh, I agree with you. The longing in your heart is just time for the Lord to have you grow even closer to Him and prepare you for what is ahead in your life. Psalm 37:3-5 came immediately to mind as I read this. You are one of the most incredible young ladies I have ever known. I am so proud of you for how you live your life and are a constant encouragement to others. I, too, cannot wait until the day that the Lord brings you together with your husband. He has given you great preparation for being a godly wife and mother. You are such a blessing to so many families now and you will be an even bigger blessing to your own the Lord's timing. I pray for you regularly and appreciate your vulnerability in sharing your heart so I can pray even more specifically for you. I love you deeply and cannot wait to see you next week.

  2. I remember feeling exactly like you did. Most of my college friends got engaged right after graduation. I went to shower after seemed like marriage was in the cards for everyone but me! It's not fun feeling like the third wheel at family functions either...been there!
    You envision yourself the old maiden lady with lots of cats;) When I did wait on just what the Lord had for me..he knocked my socks off!
    Praying that he grants the desires of your heart!

  3. Well said, Brittany. You know you are in the company of many fine women waiting for God's provision of a life partner. It really is a matter of contentment . . . contentment in who you are, where you are, and the place in time God has for you. Many women who have made hasty decisions would caution against doing so, and those who have reaped the blessing of waiting on God's provision would urge you to wait as you are doing.

    I can't wait to see how God blesses your attitude and submission to Him.

    Love you, girl.
    Mrs. P

  4. Thank you everyone for all of the encouragement and all the prayers! What a blessing you each are to me! Thank you!

  5. Wow. Not sure what else to say other than whoever he is, he's going to be blessed among men! Your heart for other girls in your shoes, and for thoroughly living each chapter God has for you, is as real, humble, genuine, strong, and anointed of God as it gets. Your life and testimony are a beacon. Stay bright and true in His love and strength.
