Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Girls Retreat- Waiting on the Lord & finding contentment where He has placed you

This past weekend I was privileged to speak at a girls retreat with a wonderful group of about 45 high school girls. I had been sick all week and was even thinking about canceling on thursday because I felt so horrible. After praying about it I came to the conclusion that it was spiritual warfare and the devil was not going to get victory even when my body felt weak. We left the church and headed straight to McDonalds for dinner, where 2 of our girls fainted, paramedics were called, one girl went home sick and of course sent our schedule out of whack. By the time we got to the camp grounds I was just praying for victory over the weekend that I felt had already been attacked, and asking and expecting God to move. We had a great weekend with sessions on intimacy with the Lord, purity (heart, mind and body), relationships with Christ being our true love and the only one who can fulfill our needs, and then ending with waiting on the Lord.

I totally lost my voice by saturday morning. I knew I was speaking on saturday afternoon and so I didn't talk for two hours and just prayed that just like the Lord provided enough manna for each day for Israel that He would give me just enough voice to get through speaking. He is so faithful and so good to me, because He did just that! I had enough voice to get through my part, and I was so grateful that the Lord blessed me with that :) The Lord is still just working on my heart in so many ways, showing me that waiting on Him is not just a one time thing but a continually surrender no matter what circumstances. Here is a short glimpse of what I taught on

1. In all seasons of life we all have trials, testing, and unknowns. Its during these times that we have a choice to either take matters in to our own hand or rest in the shadow of the almighty, waiting on the Lord and finding contentment where He has placed us.

2. The Journey of waiting is about the growth and lessons along the way. "Its not the end result that matters but the journey that brought you there."

3. I used the story of Abraham and how he waited for 25 years for a son, and it was in those years that He grew with the Lord, believe on Him, and then when he had the most awaited and precious earthly treasure the Lord tested him and showed him that the greatest treasure was the Lord. What obedience, faith and trust Abraham had in the Lord!

Thats just a portion of what we talked about. May you lean and rest on the Lord during your season of waiting on Him. Know that he has placed you here for a reason and a purpose. Be available to grow and be used where the Lord has placed you!


  1. Brittany,

    I really enjoy reading your blogs! Your faith and encouragement is such a blessing and example for me! This short entry encouraged me so much & reminded me to be content in waiting on the Lord through my seasons.Thank you for posting! I hope to get coffee with you soon once I come home again!

    ~Elizabeth Massengale

  2. Brittany,

    Everyone at the Girl's Retreat was so blessed by your presence and presentation. Thank you for being so faithful to our Lord and for waiting on Him to always provide when needed.

    Love, Christine
