Thursday, March 25, 2010

Crazy but great days at home

Monday we got in late, around 4ish and then I hit the ground running. I cleaned my house then left for an amazing time at bible study. Its been the best group of girls I have ever been with in studying God's word and I cherish the time together, taking God's treasures and applying them to our lives. Again I left so challenged and convicted.

Tuesday was a great day babysitting, cleaning a house and then having dinner with my brothers and catching up on my coupons and grocery lists. Wednesday I spent grocery shopping, cleaning and cooking. So needless to say I was SO ready to fall into my bunk and go to sleep Wednesday night when we left for the last weekend of Winter Jam. Its has been an incredible journey on Winter Jam this year. God is working in such great ways and I count it a blessing and privilege to be able to watch Spirit at work in such a great way. What an honor to be a part of the Winter Jam team, and work for such incredible godly servants of the Lord, the Nolans. I am grateful for the blessings of the Lord and excited to see what the weekend holds!


  1. Hi Brittany. It was a pleasure meeting you last night. I wish we could have talked more. Small world with Katie, isn't it? And be honest, based on the little you saw West MI was nicer than East MI, wasn't it? :) Okay, just kidding. Kind of

    Feel free to drop a line some time at

  2. Hey Adam,

    Nice meeting you too. That is a crazy connection it is a small world. Hope you are having a blessed day! Very nice meeting you!


