Thursday, February 18, 2010

Impactor or Extractor

Are you an impactor or an Extractor? My mom always use to ask us if what we said was building someone up or tearing them down? Is my actions, my daily talk, complaining or attitude extracting from peoples joy or is it impacting them to love Christ more. I pray that I will be a vessel of nourishment to encourage and compel people to seek Christ and know Him more intimately.

Have you ever been around someone who complained so much, or was so negative that when you left you felt guilty because you were around such negativity? Or have you ever been around someone that ever time you get done talking with them you desire to have the walk with Christ and the sweet attitude they have. I am blessed to be around such incredible people who are genuine and even in the midst of difficult situations they always exemplify Christ and remain humble obedient servants of HIm. Thats the people I desire to be around, because I walk away in a prayerful mind, challenged to be in sweet communion of Christ, and convicted of my own selfishness.
Let us always be mindful of this and try not to extract but IMPACT, so when people leave our presence they want to love Jesus more and walk in the HOPE of the gospel.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen (Ephesians 4:29).


  1. I can soooo relate to what you are saying! From being around you quite a bit - for many years - in good and in bad..... I can honestly say you are quite an impactor! You are a joy and a blessing to all that are around you.

  2. aww thank you for that encouragement! Thanks for being an influencer and impactor in my life! Love you!
