Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trusting your heart to HIM

Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. Lots has been going on and the Lord is growing and stretching me in great ways as I have entered another season of waiting on Him. I think its not just a seasonal thing but a life thing. We are to constantly surrender our wants and needs and wait patiently on Him. That is so hard for us girls especially! We want to fix the trial or work somehow on it, but the Lord is calling us to a place where we put the greatest treasure we have on the altar before Him and say "Im waiting on you," Knowing that what He has is best. Something Im learning is that I have entrusted my heart to Jesus, and leaving and trusting Him with it no matter what pains, difficulties or joys in life. Trusting that even though my heart may feel like its breaking at times, He still holds it and will heal even the little scratch, or the big break. My beloved Christ holds my heart and I am going to trust Him with all of it! He is so faithful and never changes with his unconditionally love towards us, what incredible truth!

Job 13:15"Though He slay me, I will hope in Him....." I read this verse in my quiet time this morning and found great conviction in it. No matter what difficulties and challenges good or bad we are going through in our life we are to TRUST IN HIM!

"He who dwells int he shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "My refuge and my fortress, My God, In whom I trust!" Psalm 91:1-2


  1. I found your site by accident, but I'm glad I did. Perfect. God used you in my life. Thank you.

  2. I am so glad to hear that! Keep seeking the Lord in all you do!
