Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Trusting while waiting

Sitting in the hospital room looking at my beautiful Grandma sleeping, praying for quick recovery , healing and sweet rest. As I drove here this morning I was struck with the thought that no matter what age you are, there are seasons of waiting. When your young it might be the wait to graduate, the wait to get married, or the wait to have children. When your older its may be the waiting of grandchildren, waiting for your spouse's health to get better, or waiting and hoping for God to take away the pain and bring you home. Those are just a few seasons that were brought to mind as I rode down the highway this morning.

The wonderful thing about seasons of waiting is its a season of growth and learning dependency and trust in the Lord. Whether you desire healing or a husband, both things are in the Lord's hadsg and not ours. Our job is to trust in the Lord with all of our heart and not to relay on our common sense but in everything give credit to God and He will direct our paths (Provers 3:5-6).

Another thing we are instructed to do is cling to God's word for answers, and lean on Him for our protection. Proverbs 30:5 says "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in HIm." In your season of waiting are you putting ALL your trust in the Lord?

1 comment:

  1. You are right - every season presents its own challenges. The older I get the more I realize that all of those seasons that I used to try to 'rush through' are just the journey of life. We can fight it or enjoy the path the Lord has paved for us along the way. You seem to be doing a wonderful job of trusting the Lord and waiting on His timing. :)
