Friday, February 12, 2010

An appointed time

I am doing a precept study on Abraham with a precious group of ladies; and recently I was blessed with an incredible truth from scripture, learning about how God has a time for everything. In Genesis Abraham desired a son and a heritage with him, and the Lord told him that HE would bless Abraham with an descendant. Abraham kept wondering when this time would come, but the waiting continued( for 25 years). The Lord waited until Abraham and Sara were beyond the age that they physically could have children ( " Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age; and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing." Gen. 18:11), therefore resulting in a completely supernatural God thing when they became pregnant. Sometimes the Lord brings us to a point where it is physically, financially or mentally impossible that way it could ONLY be a total God thing, therefore the Lord receiving all the glory, honor and fame as result. Are we willing to lay down our desires and our time lines for His? therefore resulting in us getting no credit but Christ getting ALL of the glory?

The Lord had an appointed time for Abraham and Sarah. The Lord told them " I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, , Sarah your wife shall have a son.".......Gen 18:10 Then later on in that chapter (verse 14) the Lord says "Is there anything to hard for the LORD? at the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." WOW! Whatever your circumstance may be in waiting on the Lord, Is there anything to hard for the LORD? God has a specific "appointed time" for you and for your situation. Let us trust in the covenant keeping God of Abraham and rest in the certainty that nothing is to hard for HIm and that HE alone has an "appointed time" for you an me.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany,
    I found your blog through your comment on the Warrior Camp blog. I've enjoyed reading your past several posts! It's so encouraging to find like-minded people passionate for the Lord. :-)

    That's really neat that you work with WinterJam. What do you do with them?

    God bless you, and thank you for the encouragement I got from your blog today!
