Sunday, August 30, 2009


Here is a copy of my support letters so that you readers will have more of an insight as to pray for the task we have been given. Thank you everyone for your encouragement, prayers and support. God is working in a great way and I am in awe that I get to watch His plan unfold.

Dear Precious friends,
I hope you are doing well. If you are receiving this letter it means that you have had a special part in my life and I want to share something with you that the Lord is doing. About a week ago I was babysitting for a sweet friend who was in town for a couple of weeks, I was blessed to spend the day with her and hear about what the Lord is doing. As I was listening to her talk I was praying and asking the Lord for an opportunity to help, but was feeling inadequate for the task. About 5 hours later she asked if I would be interested in going in September. She continued to tell me that there is a strategic planning meeting taking place with servants and that there was a need for childcare. God took my fear of inadequacy and showed me how he can use my simple love for children to encourage my fellow believers! My task while I am there is to simple serving these servants of Christ by loving on their children, so that they can attend this conference.

The mission trip is September 19-28 and will be in because that is a neutral country for these servants. I implore you to partner with me in prayer for this trip. Please pray for our safety and that we would be an encouragement and a refreshment to these precious servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that God has graciously provided most of the airplane ticket I was able to take care of the rest of the cost for the ticket. What a true blessing from the Lord and an answer to pray! Please pray for me as I walk this path of obedience, and as I go to there to serve these incredible people. If you are interested in partnering with me through pray or financial support please let me know. Also, hopefully I will be able to update my blog ( while I am there and keep you posted with pictures and prayer requests. Know that I am so grateful for you and I deeply love your family. Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with me in this mission. Have a blessed day!

Serving HIM,

Brittany Brummel

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