Friday, September 18, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane :)

We head out tomorrow! Here are some pictures of our team. Please be praying for us! For protection, safety, and for us to be a refreshment and encouragement to the precious people we will be serving. Can't be to specific about details because we just found out that we need to be MUCH more careful than we have been regarding location etc. Thank you for your prayers. I will be updating this blog as we travel through this journey the Lord has us on. Be looking out for updates!


  1. I'm following you like a hawk!!! Update when you can & know we're praying!!!! Soak up all the amazing memories... ; ) love you, girl!

  2. Can't wait to read your posts! We are praying for your health, safety, and for God to give you amazing experiences to minister and be blessed. I know He will! We love you and can't wait to see you soon!
