Thursday, November 12, 2009

A morning of dreams and plants

So last night I came home, and decided to watch the CMT awards with my family before going to bed. As we watched, Taylor Swift who is my age, won 4 HUGE awards, pretty much racking up for the night. As a singer, I left the room thinking about how I could get better, learn guitar, work harder singing and go somewhere with my life, and be someone. As I nestled in to bed I thanked God for the blessings of a wonderful day and went off to sleep.

My alarm sounded at 5:25am, saying it was time to work out, I was not feeling good (since I am still recovering from this cold) so I decided to go back to bed and give my body the rest it was craving. Thats when it happened. I had a dream that one of my friends was in a country where he was doing mission work incongnito but also working in loyalty to the king of that country. In my dream he was given physical and immediate gifts for being loyal to the King, while still working in the background for missions. I woke up and immediately began praying for this friend and his family. That the Lord would give him the strength to stand up for Christ, and that he would give his absolute heart, dreams and life to God no matter what the cost. That no matter the physical and immediate blessings the world has to desire, he would put aside and live ALL for the KING of KINGS.
As I was praying ( because I figured if I had dreamed about it, then the Lord must have wanted me to pray for my friend) the Lord began to speak into my heart. The Lord began to reveal that the dream was to show me how my dreams/aspirations were in 2 different places, just like my friends was playing the fence on both sides of the King and the LORD. God began to unfold an incredible word picture of my heart and life. I have been praying for years that the Lord would allow me to do HIS will and that as I delight in HIm He would give me the desires of my heart.

All of my life I have had a desire to - sing professionally, maybe be an anchor with broadcasting, and be a wife and be a mother, just to name a few. God showed me if I didn't remove my selfish and prideful plants (dreams) from the flower bed of my heart, then there wouldn't be any room for the Lord to plant HIS dreams and desires. One by one I began confessing my SELF dreams, and pulling those plants (roots and all) out of the soil of my heart. After confessing and removing them the Lord just swept me with a huge sense of peace. He showed me the new soil, and whispered in my heart that He is beginning to plant seeds of HIS dreams and will for my life, but it will take time and water (God's word) and sunlight (communication with HIM) for growth of those desires He is planting. I then was reminded that it won't be easy, each day I must check and make sure there are no weeds (pride,self sufficiency, sin etc) that are growing trying to take over the little seeds growth. But I was assured that over time there will be perfect beautiful flowers of His will planted and secured.
Another thing He revealed was that I had said I would be willing to be in the spotlight in the world and stand for HIM, but would I be just as willing to go to the ends of the earth speaking His name to those who have never heard? That is what truly would impact the world, making a mark for Jesus in the daily tasks of life, sacrificing comfort for companionship in HIM.

WOW! What conviction I was under, over a dream!!!! I couldn't believe all that went on in my heart, as I was cuddled up under my covers praying. Thank you Jesus that you are still alive and well in the hearts of believers! I couldn't believe how this one dream had effected me so much. It challenged me, revealed some areas in my life of sin and flat out self and pride. What are the plants that are taking over the flower bed of your heart, taking up all the room so the Lord has no room to plant HIS WILL?
Will you continue to pray with me that the Lord will reveal the bad plants and weeds that need to be removed and help us plant and nourish HIS seeds?

"The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of HIs heart to all generations." Psalms 33:11

"Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." Psalms 37:4-5

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in His way." Psalm 37:23

I continue to wait on HIM. Thank you Lord for growing me
While I'M Waiting


  1. Very cool story - thanks for sharing it so openly. It is amazing how God chooses to speak to us.

  2. It was neat to hear more details after hearing a sneak peak the other day. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you! You are already a beautiful "flower" that radiates his glory and gives off the aroma of Christ. We sure love you and we're so thankful that we get to have you as such a significant part of our family while you are "waiting"! : )
