Monday, November 9, 2009

The Lord will be my Strength

This week has been a wonderful and busy week. Lots of ministry opportunities, jobs and good work outs. Even though I have been so exhausted, the Lord has woken me up every morning, with a sweet sense of "His mercies are new EVERY morning." I am so grateful for God who comforts my heart and refreshes my soul. This weekend I also was reminded of the blessings I have in the different mentors, influencers who invest in my life on a regular basis. Thank you sweet sisters in Christ who take time out of your busy schedules to invest in my life, just a few to mention are Tammy Nolan, Jennifer Hewgley,Elizabeth Stubblefield,Michelle Helms, my mom(my hero) and many more. I am honored to have such godly woman speak into my life.

Among this crazy season of life, the exhaustion and stress I am reminded how faithful and constant the Lord is to give me strength, send encouragement my way and give me rest as I savor His sweet word. Hope you all had a great week and can meditate on how good our Lord is!

"Come all ye laborers and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:18

1 comment:

  1. It is a joy to spend time with you anytime. You are a true blessing from the Lord!
