Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Media Detoxing

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, texting, Snapchat--these are just a few of the social media outlets that are consuming our time, thoughts, and ultimately our generation. If we have a break in our day while waiting for something, we quickly scroll through Facebook--never mind that it's the tenth time that day. Consumed and entertained by what other people are doing in their lives, we're often not taking the time to live our own lives. We get so busy filling every gap and pause in our day that we don't have time to be still, to enjoy a brief moment, or to listen to God's gentle prodding for us to put the phone down and talk to someone in the waiting room next to you.

Sometimes we are taking a picture and telling the world about our moment, instead of savoring it. Sometimes we even do certain things just so we can post about it and brag about ourselves in a not-so-obvious way. Do you ever cook an amazing meal or do something incredible for a family member or spouse without telling anyone?

If you think this media consumption doesn't affect you then let me ask you this question: what do your family get-togethers, date nights, dinners, or hang-outs with friends look like lately? Is everyone on their phones? We have become a culture so engrossed in being entertained by what everyone else is doing that we don't have the time or the energy to concentrate on whats important. For instance, in the minutes or hours that I might spend on Facebook each day I could write several hand-written notes of encouragement or read a book, among many other productive things. Now don't get me wrong, I am a BIG fan of social media and how it can be used for good and for the glory of the Lord, but I think that many people, including myself, fall into the trap of addiction with it. The Lord had been convicting my heart over several months regarding media. I kept making excuses and telling myself that I'm not on it that much and that it's not taking away from my family time or my time with the Lord. I was making excuses to avoid the fact that the Lord was convicting my heart and calling me not to take a break or a fast but to challenge the way our family does media in general. He was calling us as a family to a different standard and a different way of thinking and acting. He was calling us to a balance  After confessing this before the Lord as a family, we have begun to ask Him what this media detox should look like in our home. I use the word detox because we aren't getting rid of it, we are just trying to balance and learn to crave something better instead. Is your family consumed? If not, then what are you doing to be intentional to not to let it creep into your family? If you are consumed, what are you going to do as a family to find balance? Honestly, what consumes your thoughts and your days? What or who gets your quiet moments?

We aren't pretending to have it all figured out, we are just finally walking in obedience where the Lord is challenging our family. We are asking Him to show us what this looks like and give us the strength and discipline to follow through. If we have a little here and there its not going to ruin our appetite but if we feast on it all day long our cravings change. We are asking the Lord to change our cravings and teach our hearts to crave more of Him instead. I hope you hear my heart on this subject, and are also challenged and can walk alongside our family as we make this commitment.


  1. So good and so challenging. I am still working on this one but can already see fruit of digesting less media throughout the day.

  2. Love. I love your posts!
