I know the feeling oh too well. Seeing everyone's post of their special dates, Christmas parties, engagements, how amazing their special someone is and how much fun they are having during this time; and thinking to yourself how much you desire that and how especially lonely you feel during this time. You long to go to a Christmas tree lighting or a special Christmas party all dressed up and holding someones hand but once again you go alone and are asked AGAIN "Are you dating anybody?." You think of all the fun you could have if that were your season and you long for that day to be the present and not the future.
Whether you like to admit or not, this is a true feeling and a true struggle you are going through and for some reason around Christmas it is amplified. Most people desire to be married and desire that security and the companionship that comes with it, its totally NORMAL and ok to desire that God ordained gift of marriage. Where we get in trouble is when we feast on ourselves, whether thinking about ourselves in a "I have it all together" light or in a "poor single me" light we are still thinking of ourselves which is pride. Although it is easy to get stuck in that rut and that self depreciating mood during this time, you CAN overcome and enjoy every bit of this Christmas season.
Instead of looking inwardly at yourself and your singleness take this time to look around and see how you can serve people. Instead of thinking of all the things you are missing out on, think of all the extra time and affections you have to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a special way during this time. Ask the Lord to show you how you can encourage and bless others. Get some other single friends together and feast on scripture, encourage and pray together and maybe go out and do something to serve a family in need. Take up a challenge with your other single friends to make this time count for the glory of God and keep each other accountable in the attitude of self pity.
Remember "No good thing does He withhold from those that walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11)" if it was a good thing for you to have that godly relationship you are seeking right now, the Lord would allow it. As a "unmarried virgin, is concerned about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and spirit...............and serve the Lord without distractions (1 Corinthians 7:34-35)." Are you using your season to wallow in self pity or are you using it to be concerned with the things of the Lord and honoring Him in both your body and your spirit? This season is a time where you have more time and you have ALL of your affections to seek Christ and the knowledge of Him. Please don't waste this time but savor the moments God has given you and when that very real loneliness comes take those moments to pour out your heart and desire to God and cling to Him not to self pity. If you do this, you won't look back and regret a wasted season.